
How Good Photos Make a Good Portfolio

Filed under:  Tips and Advice

You may be a singer, dancer, comedian, editor, actor, model, every one needs a photo in a portfolio. A photo gives your portfolio an image that a casting director can relate to. Make sure you upload a few good photos so that when casting directors and coordinators shortlist you for auditions they can relate with you.

For certain genres like modeling, acting it becomes really important to have a set of good photos. Read below to find how can you shoot good photos yourself and make your portfolio rich.

Models and actors who want to target agencies, casting directors, and commercial clients should show their strongest images in specific categories. Modeling/ acting assignments seek authentic or native look for shoots these days, because of which it is better to look WOW in few segments than good in all. Fill your Hoonur profile with photos for each category you fit in.

However, the number of photographs in your portfolio is just one aspect. You also need to take care of various other matters in your portfolio.

What are the must have photos?

Every model must have the following images in their profile. A mixture of these main photo shots makes the foundation of a good modeling portfolio.

• A very strong head shot. Head shots are usually more artistic, intended to portray the subject in the best possible light.

• Beauty shot: A headshot from the shoulders up, where the main focus is on the model’s face, including make up, hair, and accessories.

• Full body shot: A picture of one oneself that includes the entire body

Here is how you can pose to achieve these photos;

Posing for a photograph comes naturally to established models. However, for young actors and models who are new to the industry often make mistakes here. Follow these steps when you pose for your pictures:

• Don’t always look straight at the camera. Instead, use your eyes and angles to express yourself, this is true for actors

• Don’t use a big smile for every pose. Sometimes try a small smile, a pout, scowl, or even a frown. Use your modeling features in the best possible way

• Rest most of your weight on one foot or the other instead of evenly on both feet. Doing so makes poses look less artificial and gives a slight slimming effect in most positions.

How many photos do you need to have?

A modeling portfolio should not simply to show that you are attractive – it has to show your ability to portray different characters, age ranges and importantly personality!

At the same time you shouldn’t carry the same expression in different getups. Focus on 3 or 4 core areas where you look the part, and add 6 to 7 photographs showing different faces of the character you portray.